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Updated: Jan 13, 2023

Basic Training will allow you to have a well balanced dog that is obedient.

Basic Training consists of sit, stay, lay down, off, leave it, take it, come or what they call recall and place or spot.

You want your dog to learn in a positive reinforcement system and to have 100% accuracy with each command. When there are distractions it is harder for the dog to learn. So when first training him make sure there are no distractions. Once they get the basic command then slowly introduce distractions. Use high value treats. We use Diamond training bits, cheese cubes, pieces of protein like cooked turkey, beef, chicken and freeze dried liver. We have had success with Happy Howie treats as well. Use what ever your dog cant say no to.

Choose a time of day that he is hungry and the house is calm. If your dog absolutely loves a toy you can use that to as a reward and always give lraise using yes ir good boy/girl.

Sit. Stand in front of your dog and give him the command to sit give it a few seconds. Do not keep saying sit sit sit. If your dog does not sit you can hold the treat right up above his head and guide his head with the treat back towards his butt and he will automatically sit. Do this slow. Another method is talking a step towards him and position your hand fingers close together or in a fist pointing fingers upwards. When he sits praise and give a treat and repeat repeat repeat. Use the sit command when you go to feed your pet, when putting on a leash, Nswering the door etc.

Down/Laydown. To acheive this have the dog in a sit position. Take a treat show it to the dog. Put the treat under his nose and go to the ground slowly. After a while he will get it. You can then do hand signals like pointing to the floor or using a flat hand. You can implement this when answering the door, during feeding etc. You can place treat on the floor with you hand covering it when dog is lay down position. Slowly remove hand. If he goes for it cover it back up. Repeat.

You can teach crawl with the laydown position as well. Have dkg lay down using a treat. Palm it and move your hand away from the dog so if he follows the treat he will move forward tell him crawl. Slowly mive your hand with the treat. When he crawls reward him with that treat and repeat.

Come. When you call your dog to come use a higher pitched voice to get your dog excited. Kneel down tap your thighs and say come fido come. If he starts to come praise and give him a treat. Tell him sit and repeat. After a while he will come with out you bending down. Implement with playing ball, fetch putting on a leash etc.

Leave it . This is great if your cooking and drop an onion. You dont want your dogs eating poisonious food items.

Put a treat in your hand the dog can be in a sit or down position. Show him the treat and tell him leave it. If he tries to take it dont let him take it. After a few tries the dog will realize not to take it. When he leaves it a few seconds reward with a treat by handing it to him, and then try for another few seconds. You will know your dog knows the command at 100% when you go to feed him tell him sit stay place bowl on floor say leave it, then the phone rings and ten mins you go back and your dog is still in the sit leave it position... yeah i felt bad and gave him extra treats in his bowl. Lol


Take it. Have dog in sit position. Hold out treat at finger tips in front of his nose. Tell him leave it. Then tilt the treat down just slightly and say take it. You can do this when feeding your pet. Sit, leave it , put food down, then tell him take it after a few seconds. Prolong the period of time with each session.

Off . This is good when the dog is on furnature when you dont want him to be, even when counter surfing.

Dog is on couch point to floor to get down. Say off. Give lraise. Use a treat or a toy to encourage him.

Law or shake: dog shoukd be in sitting position. Tell the dog paw or shake. You ca. Use a trsat to encourage. If dog is have difficukty use the treat to get him slightly off balance to the right or the left. Try again. Some dogs learn paw quicker that way. You can graduate paw into hi five by raising your hand up to make him give you paw.

Crate training: crates shohld be a positibe place for a dog. Do not use as a punishment!

Have crate open. Tell dog to sit ojtside the crate give a treat. Place treat at base of the crate. Then inside the crate. Tell him come to come out of the crate and give lraise and treat repeat. When the dog is comfortable going in and ojt kf the crate each time he goes in. Shut the crate door

Give a treat then ooen door, tell him come and gice treat and praise.

You can use hand signals while training each hand signal should be different. After a while your dog will look at yojr hand signals without you speaking a word to do the command.

We trained Nitro that way. He is a white staffie mix.

ONE TIME I was on the phone, and being of Italian decent I was talking with my hands. And Nitro was sitting laying down sitting down sitting ... and I started laughing. When my hands went sideways he gave me such a look.. so we incorporated it for him to twirl and it stuck like glue. He still does that to this day when i talk with my hands!

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